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Tech Tips

Marque Coordinators

Get the technical advice you need. Our Marque Coordinators are very knowledgeable. If they don’t know the answer they will know where to go to find it.
If you are looking for a car and need a few pointers, just ask. We all do our best to help. Don’t forget to scroll down and see the other resources the club recommends.

MGA: Ron Skidmore

MGB: John Oldroyd


MGC: Alan Vinegar


MG Midget: Graeme Jannaway


MG Post Abingdon: John Stevenson

MG T-Series:
 Bob Grunau


One of the benefits of membership is being able to access the online series of maintenance and restoration articles, some authored by or own selection of experienced members. If you are here, you are likely not a member and would benefit from joining the MG Car Club of Toronto.

The MG Experience

The #1 MG resource on the Internet!

MG Car Club of Toronto does not maintain an online forum but if you are looking for one, try The MG Experience.
Not only do they have pages and pages of technical information on everyone’s favourite LBC, but they’re also one of the best online communities you’ll find anywhere.


University Motors Ltd

With John Twist


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